Due to this advantage of being very well tractable over the traditional marketing marketers may not have a very critical view when looking at the paid search performance. This will certainly be a problem when the performance is not satisfactory, but it is just as important when the performance looks good.
This is because paid search marketing performance can be very volatile. Let’s focus on Google Ads specifically. There are many different areas Google Ads can be optimized, e.g. keywords, bidding, ad copy, and landing page, .
The keyword is the window through which customers find our product and company. It is critical to have a good keyword portfolio that covers the products and services. The keyword bidding optimization can improve the efficiency and click volume significantly, sometimes over 30% or more. There are many other adjustment for device, audience, location, schedule, etc.
AB testing is the most important tool for improving on ad copy and landing page performance. One ad copy can be easily 30% better than the other ad copy. Or a single change on the landing page can improve the conversion rate by 50%.
Here is the simplified paradigm of optimizing paid search marketing campaign.
Understand the need of paid search marketing optimization.
Build a complete coverage keyword portfolio and organize them into a good campaign and adgroup structure
AB test ad copies and landing pages
Keyword bidding optimization through data science